The Shit Theory Of Life as Written by @ofilispeaks
The Shit Theory of Life
If it looks like shit, smells like shit, then please stop spraying air-freshner! Because no matter how much air-freshner you spray you cannot mask the shit, you need a shovel pack the shit!
And that’s the shit theory of life.
If you find yourself in a situation, a bad situation, a shitty situation … like a job you hate, a relationship that makes you sad, an abusive husband, don’t try and mask the situation with air-freshner excuses.
When he slaps you don’t say it’s because he loves you, when the boss abuses your talents over and over again, don’t air freshen his motives. Be real to yourself, grab a shovel and dig yourself out of the shit situation.
Keep it real.
Because if it looks like shit, smells like shit, then its probably shit and the air-freshner can only mask it for so long until the shit is shoveled.
That’s the shit theory of life!
Words by Okechukwu Ofili of
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