The Cubicle Entrepreneur: How To Use Your Job To Fund Your Side Business

2 min readNov 28, 2015


So I have been doing what I call Cubicle Entrepreneurship for over 10 years now …

Which basically means that despite having a 9 to 5 job as a Designer Project Engineering Manager (that’s really the only way I can describe my current job), I still run several side businesses which range from speaking, to writing books like How Stupidity Saved My Life, to pure tech entrepreneurship and the miscellaneous … selling throw pillows on and my Instagram Page. And let’s not forget real estate Land Lord and stock market investor!

Cubicle Entrepreneurship is difficult and frustrating, but also exhilarating.

You get to build businesses by leveraging income from your cubicle paycheck. It is a tricky but rewarding, because when your cubicle industry falls or you get fired, you are not too worried as you have your side businesses to fall back to.

And the Cubicle Entrepreneurship journey drops a lot of lessons.

Lessons on time management, task delegation, hiring and firing as well as work life balance, which essentially is work side hustle no life balance when it comes to cubicle entrepreneurship.

I realized that it was important for me to start this series because there are a lot of people stuck in cubicles that want to be entrepreneurs. But sadly they have been feed that singular Hollywood story that says, your job is evil, quit your evil job, chase your passions and you will be Mark Zuckerberg rich.

And so they do, quitting dramatically, Hollywood style …


But I wanted to write a series. A different kind of series.

One that did not end up with a dramatic work break-up, but rather a systematic transition away from sole dependency on the Cubicle paycheck. This will not be 100% of success but rather a mixture of struggles, failures and ultimately learning’s that you can benefit from. All in all it would be told without bullshit!

The Cubicle Entrepreneur series begins …


Written by Okechukwu Ofili of
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Written by ofilispeaks

Questioning everything since 1981...Founder of @okadabooks, author, engineer, ninja and blogger who blogs at

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