#Nigeria Loves Living In Denial: In Defense Of @Jidenna

2 min readJul 11, 2015



Nigeria is a country living in denial…

If someone from the outside comes and says Lagos is dirty and flooded, Nigerians will form Voltron to kill him and then bury him in the same dirt they deny exists.

If another person states that you cannot as a “light-skinned” foreigner move around Nigeria without Mobile policemen brandishing AK-47s, Nigerians will pounce on you and scream you down even as the loud sirens of yet another Mobile escort screams even louder as the vehicle veers dangerously past their cars.

And if you actually make the mistake to say Nigerians prefer light-skinned people over dark-skinned people, or even accuse Nigerians of not valuing their natural self. A set of bleached knuckles with knock you out and bury you in a casket made of left over Brazilian weaves!

Such is life in Nigeria. A country in constant denial … that’s why we are some of the happiest people on earth. Because denial is the root of happiness.

Nigeria Motto: If trouble happens…remember to Grin-White-Grin!

Personal Experience: On one of my trips to Port-Harcourt, I sat down at the back of a Prado jeep, while my colleague from Russia sat in front. The policeman on duty calmly told my Russian colleague that he cannot sit in front, that he needs to go to the back, because he will be a target and thus make the convoy unsafe. That’s how I found myself in the front. So when people like Jidenna​ are dropping realities about Nigeria … better listen cause that shit is the truth no matter how hard it is to swallow.


Written and Experienced By Okechukwu Ofili of ofilispeaks.com
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Written by ofilispeaks

Questioning everything since 1981...Founder of @okadabooks, author, engineer, ninja and blogger who blogs at http://ofilispeaks.com

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