Hugging: My Secret Weapon

2 min readApr 1, 2016


This past year has seen me visit communities that I never knew existed.

I mean I knew about the communities but I did not know about the experiences and realities that existed in them. And it has been a mind shattering revelation of the vast differences Economic gaps can cause. What I would ordinarily spend in an hour is what people would spend over 2 months with change left-over!

And as you can imagine, this gap causes large barriers.

From the language barrier to the cultural barrier. Most people in the community did not speak English, and with my F9 in Yoruba there was a guaranteed communication block. So I try to brush up on my pidgin but even that one is too refined to be understood most times.

But beyond the language is that cultural barrier, when you give someone what looks like a million dollars they tend to see you in a different light that makes things awkward … people won’t look you in the eye and sometimes will prostrate and before you can say STOP they are already on the ground!

But today, while watching this Bernie Sanders video, it hit me. I need to hug more people. Not hand shakes or side hugs … but big big hugs.

Because there is something special about hugs that breaks down barriers, that allows people connect in any language. the removes any aura of superiority, that eases people. And the best part … it’s 100% free!

My personal mission, is thus to Hug as many people as I can in the communities I go to this year. And somehow break down that invisible barrier one hug at a time …


Words by Okechukwu Ofili of
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Written by ofilispeaks

Questioning everything since 1981...Founder of @okadabooks, author, engineer, ninja and blogger who blogs at

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