Connect Your Dots
A friend of mine called me up this morning and in less than 15 minutes of conversation, he left me with advice worth over $100,000.
It’s not like what he told me was new or ground breaking. In fact most of what he said, I already knew…but the way he said it, his passion, his knowledge, his experience but more importantly his ability to connect the dots for me, made all the difference.
Most of the times, we know what to do.
But what we lack is “how” to do “what” we know to do. And because we don’t have access to the “how” we get frozen, we do nothing, our knowledge just sits disconnected.
We can connect them though with our own experience but that can take a long time, however when we find people like my friend who come with years of experience and tons of passion, they can help connect our dots faster for us.
Connect your dots today or find someone (a mentor) to help you connect them.